Costa Choir Alumni are going places!

Lauren Woomer, Class of 2017 is studying Music Therapy at The University of the Pacific and sings with the elite Chamber Singers. Congrats Lauren!
Dakota Rose Aguilar Wood, Class of 2011, studied at CalArts for her BFA in the Photography & Media program; making prints using experimental/alternative analog color processes; musing mainly on the melancholic ecologies of the Los Angeles coastal landscape. What exciting work Dakota!
Elizabeth Bundy, Class of 2012, graduated in 2016 from Furman University with a B.S. in Chemistry, with a focus on polymer science and a B.A. in Political Science, with a focus on political theory. As an undergraduate in chemistry, she participated in research to prevent bio-fouling using polymers. She completed my M.S. degree in Chemistry from Furman University by conducting research on the mechanism of surface modification of conducting polymers by thiols. She now resides in Washington DC and sings in a cappella group! What amazing work you are doing Elizabeth!