MBX Summer School

2025 MBX Summer School Registration

  • MBX Summer School is for incoming 9th graders and high school students
  • Academic and Credit Recovery Registration – Thursday, March 6, 2025, 9am (all students)
  • Athletics Registration – Thursday, April 10, 2025, 9am
  • Registration for Academic and Credit Recovery closes Monday, June 30, 2025 at 11:59pm

2025 MBX Summer School Dates

Academic  classes start Monday, June 16 – Friday, August 8, 2025 – 11:59 pm*

Athletics start Monday, June 16 – Wednesday, July 16, 2025

2025 Summer School Info:

Types of classes offered: 

  • Online learning – MBX Foundation has partnered with Imagine Edgenuity Online Learning Courseware to offer comprehensive asynchronous, self-paced online courses. Our course catalog is robust, featuring standards-aligned, interactive, and media-rich content designed to be personalized and engaging. Students have the flexibility to work on their courses at any time, Our online learning platform allows students to work ahead and finish their coursework earlier if they wish. Please note, grades may not be finalized on the last day of the semester as teachers may require additional time to grade finals and evaluate final projects.** The administrator of the program will reach out to each student weekly, help students get started and be available to help students if needed via zoom.
  • Credit Recovery ** Students can only retake classes if they earn a D or F


Student athletes meet in cohorts on the Mira Costa campus. Note athletics may have a different schedule from academic summer school due to CIF rules.

2025 Tuition

          Online learning 

  • 1 semester course: $400
  • 2 semester course: $800


Course changes and withdrawals:

  • To change or withdraw from a course, please complete the course change or withdrawal form. (link here).
  • Refunds requested BEFORE 14 calendar days after the date of purchase, will receive a refund less an enrollment fee of 20% of the payment.
  • Withdrawals requested MORE than 14 calendar days from date of purchase, will not be eligible for any refund regardless of circumstances.
  • The last date to request a refund is May 23, 2025.
  • For a change from a 2 semester class to a 1 semester class, the refund policy will apply for the extra semester.

Course Credit (Academic)

MBX is a WASC accredited supplemental education program.  All MBX academic courses are accepted for credit on Mira Costa High School transcripts  for Mira Costa students.

Each semester course is equivalent to 5 high school credits. Successful completion of yearlong courses earns 10 high school credits.

All MBX academic courses are eligible for UC/CSU approval and meet A-G subject requirements once placed a transcript through Principal Certification (As described by UC Admissions)

If you attend a high school other than Mira Costa, you are responsible for ensuring that your grade will be accepted on your home school transcript and will subsequently meet the A-G subject requirement.

Grade Reports

Grades in courses taken at MBX are automatically placed on the Mira Costa transcripts for Mira Costa students. Any student who does not wish to have his/her grade on their Mira Costa High School transcript must ask their parent to request this by August 15, 2025 at 4:00 pm by emailing

If you are not a full time Mira Costa High School student, please email to request a transcript. Please email the student name, school name and address for the sealed transcript to be sent.

Grade discrepancies must be reported immediately to the Summer School Principal. The appeal or challenge deadline for disputed grades is forty five days after the closing of classes. No changes, adjustments or corrections will be made after that date.


You may not enroll in a course for which you do not have the prerequisite or its equivalent. Prerequisites are listed in the course descriptions. Instructors may not waive prerequisites within a department sequence and accept students into the next level. Please note the differentiation between original credit courses and review courses. Review courses require that the course has already been taken during the regular school year. Original credit courses have a prerequisite noted if applicable. Since the Summer School does not have access to the student’s grades, please ensure that the course prerequisite is met or consult your educational advisor.

Note: Certain Activities/Physical Fitness courses have tryouts. These are listed in the various course descriptions if available.


Need based scholarships are available for academic classes. Please consult your MCHS school counselor for more information.


2025 MBX Summer School Policies, Waivers and Releases

Privacy and Security Policy

This document outlines MBX Foundation Summer School’s commitment to safeguarding the privacy and security of user information. By using the enrollment system, users accept the Privacy Policy. MBX Foundation Summer School pledges not to sell or rent user information and limits access to authorized personnel only. Data is encrypted to ensure security during transmission and access to information is controlled. Users are responsible for safeguarding their passwords and account access. Users confirm the accuracy of the information provided.

Summer School Medical Release (Athletics Only)

In the event I cannot be reached, permission is hereby given for the physician or designated hospital to provide emergency care of my child should serious illness/injury occur during school hours. I also authorize the principal or his/her designee (acting in representation for MBX Summer School) to offer consent to medical attention by calling 911 and/or to offer consent as needed. Medical permission acceptance: I give my consent.

Summer School Student Code of Conduct

A safe and positive learning environment will be maintained at all times. Students are expected to respect the personal rights of their peers and to abide by the expectation of MBX instructors, administrators, and staff. Students are expected to practice integrity. Cheating or dishonesty will not be tolerated.

No alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs are allowed on campus. In the event of misconduct for the following offenses, students will be withdrawn and expelled from the MBX summer program and tuition will not be refunded:

1- Possession of any illegal substance by a minor

2- Sale of any illegal substance to or by a minor

3- Use of illegal products for minors on campus

4- Distribution of illegal products to or by minors on campus

5- Inappropriate, derogatory or offensive use of technology or educational platforms

6 – Verbal or physical assault of a student or staff member

7 – Possession of a weapon

Additionally, students found guilty of the above will be subject to citing by the Manhattan Beach Police Department School Resource Officer.


To create an equitable and positive learning environment, the MBX Foundation Summer School Administration and Faculty require that students always act with honesty in their academic endeavors. To this end, the following policy has been established by a faculty committee to promote academic integrity and to establish consequences in cases of unethical behavior.

Cheating includes, but is not limited to, plagiarizing, copying another student’s work, using notes, electronics, or other means of assistance on an assignment or test, passing answers or information to other students about an assignment or test, altering a teacher’s grade book/records, and taking a copy of a test to use it for personal advantage or for distribution to other students. Please note that teachers utilize software), internet search engines, and references to other materials (including Spark Notes) to ascertain the authenticity of student work. Edgenuity utilizes an “academic scan” which identifies all websites to ascertain the authenticity of student work. If a student is using an online source to provide information, they MUST cite the source. If your student does not know how to cite their source, please reach out to your teacher. Failing to cite a source will be counted as a violation of the ethics policy.

Additionally, using AI violates MBX’s Ethics Policy if students rely on it to complete assignments, exams, or projects instead of engaging in their own learning. This undermines academic integrity by allowing students to bypass personal effort, by submitting work that is not their own. The use of AI, including but not limited to ChatGPT, can be scanned through our online platform, Edgenuity. If the assignment is flagged for AI, the student will receive a 0 until meeting with the teacher/principal.


Once the teacher determines that a student has violated the Ethics Policy: A teacher-student conference takes place to discuss the circumstances of the violation. The teacher then fills out a referral form to the principal detailing the offense. The principal meets with the student, contacts the parent, and implements discipline under the policy.


First Offense: 

  1. Zero on assignment
  2. Conference with student/family
  3. Referral to Admin

Second Offense: 

  1. Notify student/family
  2. Referral to Admin
  3. Removal from class with no grade and no refund

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have accepted this Waiver and Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement as parent/guardian of the child specified in this registration.

Summer School Students with Special Needs

MBX Foundation receives no Federal, California state, or MBUSD funding and operates solely using tuition paid. We make every effort to provide accommodations as outlined in Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and in accordance with state law, we will always uphold all 504 Accommodation Plans when provided to us. If your student has a 504 Plan or IEP, please submit a copy of your student’s plan via email to . Once we receive the documentation, we will provide a copy to your student’s teacher(s). Please note that summer school IS NOT required for graduation. MBX Foundation, as a private placement, is not bound by IDEA law to provide special education services.

Summer School Terms of Service and Refund Policy

MBX is committed to offering all students summer course options for both remediation and initial credit in a rigorous and student-centered environment. Registration is complete when an account is created, a course is requested, registration is confirmed, and tuition is paid in full.

  • To change or withdraw from a course, please complete the course change or withdrawal form.
  • Refunds requested BEFORE 14 calendar days after the date of purchase, will receive a refund less an enrollment fee of 20% of the payment.
  • Withdrawals requested MORE than 14 calendar days from date of purchase, will not be eligible for any refund regardless of circumstances.
  • The last date to request a refund is May 23, 2025.
  • For a change from a 2 semester class to a 1 semester class, the refund policy will apply for the extra semester.

As a private entity and non-profit organization, we are not bound to public education practices. MBX summer school classes are not required for Mira Costa graduation or matriculation. We strive to offer equity and access for all students to courses that will support secondary planning goals. However, our policies and expectations are separate and distinct from the Manhattan Beach Unified School District.

As the parent/guardian of a student, I have shared this policy with the student and I accept on their behalf.

IN ACCEPTING THIS AGREEMENT, I voluntarily agree to assume all risks and accept sole responsibility for any and all injury, illness, disability, loss or damage to persons or property, expenses and/or death to myself, to the fullest extent permitted by law.  I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge and hold harmless MBX Foundation, its Board of Directors, officers, employees, officials, agents, volunteers, employees, participants, other attendees, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the Programs (“RELEASEES”), with respect to any and all injury, illness, disability, loss or damage to persons or property, expenses and/or death arising out of or relating to COVID-19 or any other Infectious Disease.  I understand this release includes any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the RELEASEES, and whether an infection from COVID-19 or other Infectious Disease occurs before, during or after my attendance at any MBX Programs.  The terms hereof shall serve as a release and assumption of risk for my heirs, estate, executor, administrator, assignees, next of kin and all members of my family, including but not limited to any minor children for whom I have the capacity to contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have accepted this Waiver and Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement as the Attendee specified in this registration.


This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian, with legal responsibility for this attendee, have read and explained the provisions in this waiver and release to my child/ward including the risks of presence and attendance at MBX Programs and his/her personal responsibilities for adhering to the rules and regulations for protection against Infectious Diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19. Furthermore, my child/ward understands and accepts these risks and responsibilities. I for myself, my spouse/partner and child/ward do consent and agree to his/her release provided above for all the RELEASEES, and myself, my spouse/partner, and child/ward do release and agree to hold harmless the RELEASEES for any and all liabilities incident to my minor child’s/ward’s presence or attendance at the MBX Programs as provided herein above, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THEIR NEGLIGENCE, to the fullest extent provided by law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have accepted this Waiver and Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement as parent/guardian of the child specified in this registration

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