Band closes year with fantastic Pops Concert and looks forward to 2018-19!

Band Pops Concert and Banquet
The MCHS Bands closed out their year with a fantastic Pops Concert on
May 31st. Family and friends enjoyed music from “Guardians of the Galaxy”, “Jurassic Park”, “The Incredibles” and the big hit of the evening as our Wind Symphony played the score to “Godzilla Eats Las Vegas” while the video played.
We celebrated a busy year at the Band Banquet on June 10th handing out awards and recognitions and saying goodbye to an incredible senior class. We will miss the music they made with us, but wish them all well as they journey on to college.
As everyone says goodbye to the seniors they also welcome in the new freshmen, many of whom will start marching practice this summer as Band starts to prepare for their new Marching Show, “The Pack”. Make sure to catch this show at one of the Home Games this Fall!

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