Purchase your Birthday Grams from Costa Choir!

Support Costa Choir and purchase a Birthday Gram!
There are 2 options available:
Traditional Birthday Gram ($5)
Wish your friends, family, and special someone a happy birthday with a message-in-song from the Mira Costa Choirs! Videotaped song sends wishes “to you” (not to the recipient’s name). Grams are $5 each and include 1 videotaped “Happy Birthday” song and a personalized message to accompany the video. Grams can be sent to anyone, and are not limited to Costa students. 

Customized Birthday Gram ($20)
Wish your friends, family, and special someone a happy birthday with a message-in-song from the Mira Costa Choirs! Custom videotaped song sends personalized wishes using the recipient’s name. Grams are $20 each and include 1 customized videotaped “Happy Birthday” song and a personalized message to accompany the video. Grams can be sent to anyone, and are not limited to Costa students.

Click Here to purchase!

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