Every singer who stood on a riser has music in their heart. Thanks to Mr. Michael Hayden and Mr. Mark McCormick, it will always be there. We are forever grateful!

For thirteen years, the Mira Costa Choirs have been graced with a dedicated, passionate, and supremely talented Choir Director, Mr. Michael Hayden. Mr. Hayden brought craft and inspiration into the choir room every day. His extraordinary abilities as a music educator led to him being named a California Teacher of the Year in 2014 and also helped lead the MBUSD music program to win a Grammy that same year.
But his lessons weren’t limited to music. Mr. Hayden has the ability to speak to a group in such a way that each member feels he is speaking directly to them. Engaging in “the four agreements” with his singers, he was able to generate impassioned performances — not just focusing on the notes on the page, but the spirit in each singer’s heart. This skill and spirit will accompany them for the rest of their lives.
This is Mr. Hayden’s final year of teaching, and as he embarks on a well-deserved retirement, we must shout to the world – thank you! The years under Mr. Hayden’s directorship have been a gift, and so is Mr. Hayden.
“Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies.” ― Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Additionally, the talents and character of Mr. Mark McCormick are invaluable to the Mira Costa Choir program. Serving as Co-Director and Pianist for Choirs for thirteen years, Mr. McCormick’s dedication to the program and the singers is matched only by the extraordinarily high level of regard the singers have for him.
A gifted musician whose wide musical interests inspire all his students, Mr. McCormick has provided the tremendous support, encouragement, and supplementary teaching necessary to help make Mira Costa Choirs the award-winning program it is today. But his dedication doesn’t’ stop there, as Mr. McCormick also teaches his own Music Theory classes and directs the Costa pit orchestra for all spring musicals. From teaching, to directing the pit orchestra, to co-directing and accompanying the choirs, the MCHS music program benefits greatly from the teacher and role model that is Mr. Mark McCormick. For his commitment, talent, and heart, we say thank you!
Every singer who stood on a riser has music in their heart. Thanks to Mr. Michael Hayden and Mr. Mark McCormick, it will always be there. We are forever grateful.