Drama/Tech Performance – Anatomy of Gray
Join us for Mira Costa High School’s captivating production of Anatomy of Gray. This thought-provoking play follows young June, who, after losing her father, wishes for a healer to save her small town. When a mysterious doctor arrives in a balloon, hope quickly turns to chaos. This poignant story weaves themes of loss, love, and healing into a compelling coming-of-age tale.
“Every year, we reflect on our recent seasons to identify new challenges and diversify the genres we offer. After two years of comedic productions, we chose Anatomy of Gray for its relevant themes and the rich, dramatic roles it offers our actors—providing them with deeply emotional material set against gritty circumstances.” Director and co-Producer, Jonathan Westerberg.
Tickets are now on sale on our website www.miracostadramatech.org
View the flyer.